Sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best-sleep-you-got-with-a-cold-medicine...Yes, sickness has hit again...but we aren't sleeping like we have NyQuil in our systems. The kids have the sniffling, coughing, fever, and ear aches.
Dakota's coughing started last weekend...and we thought he was getting better, but he has had watery eyes, and a runny nose this week. And then Wednesday, he started crying about the "monkeys in his ears"....which is a sure sign of an ear infection. (Kota had really bad ear infections during the first year of his life...resulting in tubes)
Well, I took the kids to the Dr today...and both are now being treated for walking pneumonia. The Dr said that Dakota's ear infection was one associated with walking pneumonia. And Lily is just a few days behind on all the symptoms that Dakota had. I am hoping that hers don't result in an ear infection as well. So, both kids are sick...and both are on antibiotics.
Lilyann resting today
Dakota resting with his monkey
I am hoping that both kids will be 100% better after this round of antibiotics. It is a 3 day dose...and Monday they have a follow up appointment. If they are all better, the Dr will sign off on their pre-op physicals. The physical is to make sure that the kids are in good health for their dental surgery on Thursday the 25Th.
I am praying that the kids' health improves...and also looking for bubbles...maybe then, I can keep the kiddos healthy and sick free?!?