Dakota...learning to play horseshoes
Finally, I am getting around to updating the blog. Usually when I sign in, the kids pull me away or I get side tracked by something else going on.
Allergies have really been taking their toll on me this season. I think (no, I know) that I could be the perfect candidate for an allergy medicine commercial. I come complete with itchy watery eyes, sneezing, sore throat, the whole 9 yards. And one of the side effects of the itchy watery eyes is that my hands won't stay away from eyes...I tend to rub them alot...the eye drops help..but I find comfort in rubbing my eyes. And rubbing allergy eyes results in (at least this is always the result for me) styes. The dreaded stye. I have come to this conclusion....Allergies are of the devil!
And won't believe how draining they are. I can't seem to find the energy to do anything...and then throw a stye into the whole mix and Bam!! it knocks you off your feet.
So....that is my excuse...I love the Spring Season, though. Just not all the pollen and stuff that makes me feel so blah!
I have still be taking pictures during this allergy hiatus. The weather has warmed up here...so we have pulled out the sprinkler, and the kiddie pool. We have been keeping our days busy by playing outside, going on walks, taking evening walks as a family, going to the gym, running errands, etc.
I recently started attending the Mom and Tot class at the gym. It is in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Lily is doing great with this class. She likes to play and do the stretches...she is catching on pretty quick.
Well, that's about all for now...I will update more as I get the time...but enjoy the pictures until then.

This was taken last week...on an unusually warm day.

Mr. Dakota...finally got him to pose for a picture the other day...His pictures have been turning out blurry as he is always on the go!

Lilyann...playing at the park

Dakota climbing

Me, trying to see if I still had it...I used to be able to swing across these with ease...not so much now...this was right before I dropped to the ground. Thanks to my wonderful husband for capturing this moment.

On our way home from our walk to the park

Lily loves to play outside in the water

One of my new favorite shots of Dakota

And lastly, her is Miss Lily....after a long day. I feel this way some days.