picture of the weekend
Lily getting ready to be the dealer
Dakota found this shell and told me, "look, it has 2 eyes!"This was our 2nd time to go camping as a family...though the kids and I stayed in the camper with Jed's grandmother, Boo...I still call it camping. Jed stayed in the tent with his mom...because he was doing some night fishing and would be getting in late anyway.
Last Memorial Day, we went camping in Oklahoma. This year, we stayed close and camped in East Texas right off the lake. The kids were a bit more used to water...thanks to going to the gym pool with Grandma. Dakota can "swim" with his life jacket on...Lily just floats when you put her life jacket on.
Wanna hear about something else pretty amazing? Jed has been working on this boat that was given to him over a year ago. There was a hole in the floor of the boat and the people who owned it before let it sit out in the rain and all. Jed replaced the floor, fixed the trailer tires, hooked up lights, took apart the engine and fixed it...and was able to take it out on it's 1st fishing adventure this past weekend. What a proud moment that was for Jed!! it resulted in 27 fish caught!! (he had his Uncle's help in catching the fish) I didn't get any pictures of the boat on the lake....because we were all asleep....but that cooler full of fish is more than proof enough.
Dakota spying on Brooke in her tent
Brooke and Lily...Cool girls!Lily's favorite words of the weekend were--> "Mommy, boat, water, and swimming."
It was a relaxing time even with the kids fighting for my attention and lap....I think I've heard "no, it's MY mommy" too much lately. The kids had such an enjoyable time at the lake that I can't wait til we go to Florida...they will have a blast at the beach. And I can't wait to try out this new camera at the beach.....Lots of Kodak memories will be snapped....you can count on that.
I had to get up early to capture this picture...Thanks to Boo!
And the sun is up...time to start the day
Lily with Jerilyn on the island float..Dakota there on the side
Dakota swimming out to Daddy and Lily
Me and the kids in the lake