You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing!
The kids have been keeping me busy this summer. If we aren't playing in the kid's pool, then we are going for a walk, or driving to a new park in the area. I think we have been to almost every park in the surrounding area. So life has been busy, yet fun.
Dakota and Lilyann are changing everyday. And seeing all the things they do and say makes the long summer days worth while.
The kids probably think that mommy is a paparazzi with all the pictures i have been taking of them. I'm training Lilyann well, she now is starting to smile and pay attention when she sees the camera out.
I had to take Lilyann to the doctor on Wednesday. She has had a runny nose for 2 weeks now. We thought it was associated with teething, but it should have gone away by now. The Dr now has Lilyann on a nasal spray--she said that it will help if the runny nose is due to allergies or just the common cold. Thankfully, the nasal spray is the only medicine that Lilyann is on. Lilyann was weighed again...and she is now up to 14 lbs 10 oz. She is just climbing up the chart now.
We are going on Monday for Lilyann's 3 month followup appointment with the cardiologist. We should get an all clear with this checkup...and not have to see the cardiologist but once a year. YAY!!! I'm eager for the Dr. Penn to see all the improvements in Lilyann..and I'm wondering how they are going to do an echo on Lily's heart with her newest milestone...rolling to wherever she pleases. It should be fun!
I was thinking back today to all that we have been through with Lilyann. It all came as a shock so many months ago (Jan 2008). But it all worked out for the good. Lily's story has been a help to many a mother's going through similar heart conditions with their child. To be able to talk to someone who has been through all that they are going through means alot. It is such a support to these mothers with the weight of the world on their shoulders. So, I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a help and a blessing to other CHD mommies. Everything happens for a reason.