Summer seems to be flying by. It's hot, hot, hot!! We have been spending our days playing outside (during the morning time): Dakota in the his pool, and Lily on a blanket in the shade. Dakota is getting better at his "Shamu splashes"...he can run and jump into his pool for time on end. Lilyann is starting to army crawl(just backwards)...she can turn in a complete circle and when she cant seem to get to where she wants to go, she rolls. Determination should have been her middle name. She no longer stays on the blanket, she is always off in the grass the minute a turn away.
Jed is still working hard, but his days are shorter since school is out. I know he is dreading when school starts back up (getting up early and delivering all the milk to the schools on his route).
Lilyann is still teething...i think she is going to teeth forever..i know, I'm being dramatic, but no teeth, yet. She is getting pretty good at gumming everything though. She LOVES table food...and guess what???
She has put on more weight!! At her last appointment (7-14-08), she weighed 14 lbs and 3 oz. She is getting a little chunk on her thighs...Her color looks great! Just by looking at her, you would have never thought that she had open heart surgery a little over 3 months ago. What a blessing Lilyann is--to all!
Dakota is loving the fact that Lilyann is getting more mobile. He likes to play with her and he is starting to "mother" her. Everyday he has something to tell Lily to stop at whatever she is doing...I'm always hearing: "No, Lily Lu" and it is even worse to hear: "No, ma'am, Lily Lu."
He cracks me up!! As you can tell, there is never a dull moment in the Smith house!
I've enjoyed catching up on the posts. I feel like our time in Florida was ages ago. Everything has gone by too quickly. I haven't even had the opportunity to post the Florida pics yet on my end so I was glad to see your family pictures. Lilyann and Dakota are looking very "mature" for their age...especially the "look" picture. I laughed. What was he thinking or doing when you took the picture?
We miss you all. I'm so thankful for these blog posts allowing us to keep connected with each least when I have the time to check them :)).
Keep pressing on, my dearest cousin. Press on towards the mark of the high calling of Christ. A new day means a new blessing from the Lord.
Love to everyone,
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