Lilyann is now 9 months old. Can you believe it? It is funny how the last 9 months have flown by, but the 9 months that I carried Lily seemed to take forever.
Alot has happened in the last 9 months...but all of what has happened has made Lilyann, Mommy, Daddy, even Dakota, and all those around us stronger. It is amazing to see the endurance and determination such a little one has. She is an example to us all...especially me.
Today was Lilyann's 9 month shots, that made it an even better visit for us all. Lilyann weighed in at 15 lbs 13 oz (7Th percentile) and is 27 inches long (25Th percentile). Dr. Waldrop is happy with her progress. We talked about Lily's nonstop eating...yes! i said nonstop eating. I can't keep up with feeding her. She is now on table food and she loves it. She LOVES cheese. You want to see Lilyann all happy, show her a piece of cheese and she nearly climbs out of the high chair to get it. Lilyann is taking her bottles like a pro now. She just can't seem to get enough...the Dr says that she is making up for lost time (you don't have to tell me that twice!).
Lily is army crawling still...but she gets where she wants to go. I found her in the bathroom the other day...and now she has learned to make her way to the kitchen. She loves her big brother...he is her hero. She watches him in awe. When he actually gets down on the floor and plays with her, she is smiling from ear to ear. She loves when Dakota plays peek-a-boo with her. I can tell that they will be the best of friends.
Another Lilyann milestone: She has cut tooth #3...she now has 2 bottom teeth and 1 top tooth. She bit the Dr's finger today when the Dr was checking her gums..she actually made the Dr jump back...with Jed and I laughing.
I better get to bed soon...It's not every night that the kids actually fall asleep at the same time...i had better take advantage. Night night to all our friends and family. Thank you again for your prayers. What would we do without the power of prayer??
1 comment:
I'm guessing Texas is as hot in September as South Carolina is...if you are posting swimming pictures anyhow :).
I'm glad to read about the "milestones." By chance is Lily trying to pull up and take any steps?? Mercy finally decided to start walking at a little over 14 months...of course, I was swamped and never got around to catching it on camera...I feel like a terrible mother especially since I captured every aspect of Natty's first year of life. Marie, I slacked off a little, and poor Mercy got the brunt of basically nothing. Oh well, life goes on. I'm in major home school mode right now along with Natty's violin and soccer. She started taking lessons from a new violin teacher...I'll tell more on that later. Needless to say it is a very busy one around here and with Andrew starting classes again at Bob Jones...LOOK OUT!! I'm diving for my bed every night!!
Anyway, miss you all lots. Keep serving the Lord and telling of His Great Love to your little treasures. They truly grow up so fast.
Ephesians 3:20
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