I have been trying to get around to posting on the blog...It has been over a week since I sat down and posted. I will sit down and check emails and see what is happening with friends and family on facebook and then I have a child pulling on my arm or telling me, "I need to go pee pee, Mommy." Dakota has been potty training (yet again) But this time, he is doing 100% better. He is staying dry most days...we are working on getting the poopy in the potty instead of in his pull up or underwear. But I am happy with the pee pee success right now.

Lilyann had her 15 month checkup. She now weighs 20 lbs 3 oz (finally into the 12Th percentile for kids her age) and is 29 1/2 inches tall. Yes! we now consider her tall instead of long...Lilyann is a walker and sometimes a runner. It felt good, sitting in the room waiting on Dr. Waldrop, when I heard her say, "Wow, Lily has gotten big..she is finally growing and putting on some pounds." Lily is doing great gaining weight and growing given her 1st year of life. We are now working with Lilyann on learning the different parts of her body and talking more. She can say, Mama, Dada, and Na Na Na Na Na (she uses that for everything).

Here in East Texas it has rained for 3 days. And with the rain came cold temperatures. It has been in the 30s and 40s the last few days...and did I mention the rain?? Not complaining about it though; we have needed rain for a while. After the first day of rain, outside looked greener. It was as if the rain washed all the brown and yellow away. Earlier this week, we truly thought that Spring was here....the weather was gorgeous...in the 70s and up. And now, it is 37 degrees as I sit here typing.
Lilyann and Dakota at the park
our backyard today--it was still drizzling outside
Jed and I have been working on losing weight and getting more active. I have lost 7 lbs and I feel good. My goal is to lose more by the time Jed and I go on a weekend trip for our 5 yr wedding anniversary. April 30 is my deadline...we are planning on a trip that weekend, since our anniversary is a holiday weekend (Memorial Day weekend--May 28)
That is all that is going on with the Smiths this passed week...I hope you enjoy the pictures.
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