What makes my Monday?
Dakota makes my Monday by having fun with his "best friend" (Alexis), making new friends, and finally pooping!!!
I know...lots of explaining for those that don't know all about Kota and the Poopy Monster.
I will start with having fun with his "best friend"...
Dakota loves his cousin, Alexis; and he calls her his best friend. They like to talk on the phone a lot when they aren't together. You see, Alexis lives 4 hours away...so we don't get to see her as we used to. Dakota and Alexis are 4 months apart in age and the best of friends...always have and will always be...even with all the hitting and chasing...lol
Dakota (6 months) and Alexis (2 months)
Dakota (3 1/2 yrs old) and Alexis (3 yrs old)
This weekend, we went to Lexi's house and had lots of fun....the splash park, the zoo, Discovery and Science Museum...lots of busy fun!
At the Science Museum
At the zoo, we met up with an online friend, Jenn and her girls, Grace and Liv. Dakota, Grace, and Lexi became new friends. It was sweet seeing Kota holding hands with both girls. Jenn and I became online mommy friends back in 2006 after Dakota was born..We were on the same mommy board where you can ask questions and what not. I was seeking help for colicky Dakota. And we have "talked" ever since. It was neat to finally meet in person.
Lexi, Kota, and Grace ~ at the zoo
After 2 days at Lexi's house, we headed home...only to stop like a million times (okay, maybe not a million, but it sure felt like it) to pee pee on the grass (Kota, not me...lol). Dakota had been doing good with potty training. We went 2 months with very few accidents...and then he started having accidents all the time. And Pooping in his pants. Well, about a week ago, I bought Gogurts ... and I think those constipate him. He went a week without consistent pooping...holding it in. And that doesn't make for a Happy Kota, or Mommy. Finally, on the way home, we stopped for a pee pee on the grass stop and he started trying to hold it in...we got him to stop and not cross his legs (i know it all sounds quite weird...but if any of you of been there, you know exactly what I am talking about) and he Finally pooped!! the Monster of all Poops!! We were cheering him on and giving high 5's on the side of the road...can you imagine what passerbyers (is that a word?) were thinking? What are those crazy people doing??!!
We definitely had a makes my Monday weekend!!
Wanna play along?? Stop by Cheryl's page at Twinfatuation and share about what Makes your Monday.
Dakota makes my Monday by having fun with his "best friend" (Alexis), making new friends, and finally pooping!!!
I know...lots of explaining for those that don't know all about Kota and the Poopy Monster.
I will start with having fun with his "best friend"...
Dakota loves his cousin, Alexis; and he calls her his best friend. They like to talk on the phone a lot when they aren't together. You see, Alexis lives 4 hours away...so we don't get to see her as we used to. Dakota and Alexis are 4 months apart in age and the best of friends...always have and will always be...even with all the hitting and chasing...lol

This weekend, we went to Lexi's house and had lots of fun....the splash park, the zoo, Discovery and Science Museum...lots of busy fun!
At the zoo, we met up with an online friend, Jenn and her girls, Grace and Liv. Dakota, Grace, and Lexi became new friends. It was sweet seeing Kota holding hands with both girls. Jenn and I became online mommy friends back in 2006 after Dakota was born..We were on the same mommy board where you can ask questions and what not. I was seeking help for colicky Dakota. And we have "talked" ever since. It was neat to finally meet in person.
After 2 days at Lexi's house, we headed home...only to stop like a million times (okay, maybe not a million, but it sure felt like it) to pee pee on the grass (Kota, not me...lol). Dakota had been doing good with potty training. We went 2 months with very few accidents...and then he started having accidents all the time. And Pooping in his pants. Well, about a week ago, I bought Gogurts ... and I think those constipate him. He went a week without consistent pooping...holding it in. And that doesn't make for a Happy Kota, or Mommy. Finally, on the way home, we stopped for a pee pee on the grass stop and he started trying to hold it in...we got him to stop and not cross his legs (i know it all sounds quite weird...but if any of you of been there, you know exactly what I am talking about) and he Finally pooped!! the Monster of all Poops!! We were cheering him on and giving high 5's on the side of the road...can you imagine what passerbyers (is that a word?) were thinking? What are those crazy people doing??!!
We definitely had a makes my Monday weekend!!
Wanna play along?? Stop by Cheryl's page at Twinfatuation and share about what Makes your Monday.
Sounds like a great weekend! Yay for the pooping! The science museum looks like fun!
Your weekend was busy but fun. Great pictures.
Have a nice week.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comment.
PS: I want to follow your blog, what do you think?
What wonderful pictures!! I am in love with that piano :)
Happy Monday!!
LOve the holding hands threesome and the poop story! PRICELESS! (Yes, only once you've been there...)
Thanks for Making My Monday by playing along!
Love the before & after photos! Just adorable to see how long they have been buddies!
Sounds like you've had a great weekend!
Adorable photos, esp the hand holding :)
Can you tell me where to go to get on this mommy board??? I have some questions that pop up in my mind sometimes through out the day and I would like to get that kind of support. You can email me at breelyn08@gmail.com
Joy, you are hilarious in that you can even make a poopy situation be funny. Well, funny for US, but probably very uncomfortable for Dakota for a whole week!
Did you know Boo was wanting to bring you guys to visit us last Saturday?....until she found out you were going to Temple. Oh well. We will plan for your visit another time.
Love you....Aunt Sue
Hi! I am so sorry for being so late on leaving you a comment! Things have been crazy! Thank you for visiting my blog!
What a great Makes My Monday post! Love the big puppy photo! Your children are precious!
I am a follower of your blog now.
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