The tree is down, the decorations are put away....and our guests are gone. And the kids are already missing them. Dakota wakes up and asks for cereal in a cup which gets spilled..and he quickly starts picking it all up saying, " I have to pick up this mess before Aunt Tammie, Cafie, and Debbie see this when they get here." I had to explain to Kota that they were on their way home to Florida where their house is. That in about 6 months, we would go to their house to see them. Which he is already excited about.
Now, Dakota is sitting having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and watching Annie. Lilyann is laying down for an early nap (they were up early today of all days). So, I thought...let's catch up on all that happened this weekend....Christmas all around. I took a massive amount of I will share a few and then make a slide show of most of the other pictures.
I loved having my sisters here. They helped me out with the kids, cleaned my house, and did the laundry...I should have insisted that they stayed!! What was I thinking, letting them leave last night and head back to Florida...1000 miles away?? Oh well, I guess I can cope for the next 6 months until I see them again.
Christmas for us started when my sisters arrived. We were under a tornado watch...the sirens were going...Kota runs to the front door and says, "Aunt Tammie is here! now, we can open our presents!!" So, it was like the Wizard of Oz....they came in on a tornado and then clicked their heels together and went home.
Now this picture needs a little explaining. Pastor Gray has been talking about the 3 G's during the month of December. The Gift, The Giving, and The Grinch. And on Sunday before Christmas, he said from the pulpit that he didn't believe in the reindeers, Frosty the Snowman, Elves, and Santa Claus (I know...shock of all shocks!!) So, these guys dressed up for the Christmas service and had their picture taken with Pastor Gray....just to show him that we all believe!! It was a sight to see..and definitely picture worthy.
We all got together for Wednesday church...which was our Christmas service. It was fun. Our pastor closed down the nursery that the audience was quite noisy...makes me thankful for all the wonderful nursery workers. Then he read the kids a story and then we all ready Luke 2 out loud. It was nice catching up with friends after church...seeing people that were in town with their families for the holidays.
Lily and Aunt Tammie...they weren't singing...they were playing around during church.
After church on Wednesday night, we did our Christmas with the kids. Kota and Lily were excited...finding out what was in their stockings and opening the presents under the tree. Now, we do believe in Santa Claus....but here, Santa visits Grandma's house...always has. Thursday evening, we headed to Marg and Sam's house (my sister and brother-in-law's house) for Christmas at their house. We had fun. Pizza, yummy hot chocolate, and opening presents. And then we were on to Grandma's house to bunk down for the night and wait for Santa's arrival.
It was funny, this year, all the adults were awake before the kids were. I wake up to find Jed, his sister, his mom, and Jed's grandmother sitting in the living room chatting. It was nice having that quiet time, listening to Brittiany talk about not sleeping due to the harmonious snoring from those who will remained nameless to protect the innocent.
We had wake Kota up this Christmas morning...last year, we had to wake Lily up. It is so invigorating seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child. Lily loved opening presents. And by Christmas evening at Boo's house, she was opening any unprotected present she could find. Aunt Samantha used the kids as little elves to pass out the presents and Lily was opening Boo's present as she carried it to her Boo.
Kota got his "Darth Vader Sword"...which he hasn't put down and won't let anyone touch. And we got Dakota his Star Wars which he wasn't all that excited about. I was in shock...but it's okay...he will love it more when Spring comes and we start out walks around the neighborhood again.
What's gonna work? TEAMWORK!!!
the kids out in the woods on the swing during our walk
~Lexi, Lily, and Kota~
The day after Christmas (Saturday)....we went out to Aunt Samantha and Uncle Jerry's house...and set out on a trek across their property. It was a long walk...but fun. We used Teamwork...getting everyone across the creek and back. Nothing like working together to make sure no one falls into the cold water. After the walk, we sat in front of the fireplace and watched movies while the White Chili simmered.
Comfort food and a fireplace with family makes for a wonderful holiday.
Aunt Cathie and you think they favor each other?
I'm sure there are a lot of stories missing from this Christmas 2009 anecdote...and they will come to me as I browse through the picture folder from Christmas as I make the slide show.
Kota and Aunt Tammie
It was truly a Christmas to least until next year when we make new memories.
Myself and my sisters, Cathie and Tammie
This was before they left town last night...leave it to the oldest sister to ham it up for the camera!!
Now, Dakota is sitting having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and watching Annie. Lilyann is laying down for an early nap (they were up early today of all days). So, I thought...let's catch up on all that happened this weekend....Christmas all around. I took a massive amount of I will share a few and then make a slide show of most of the other pictures.
I loved having my sisters here. They helped me out with the kids, cleaned my house, and did the laundry...I should have insisted that they stayed!! What was I thinking, letting them leave last night and head back to Florida...1000 miles away?? Oh well, I guess I can cope for the next 6 months until I see them again.
Christmas for us started when my sisters arrived. We were under a tornado watch...the sirens were going...Kota runs to the front door and says, "Aunt Tammie is here! now, we can open our presents!!" So, it was like the Wizard of Oz....they came in on a tornado and then clicked their heels together and went home.
We all got together for Wednesday church...which was our Christmas service. It was fun. Our pastor closed down the nursery that the audience was quite noisy...makes me thankful for all the wonderful nursery workers. Then he read the kids a story and then we all ready Luke 2 out loud. It was nice catching up with friends after church...seeing people that were in town with their families for the holidays.
After church on Wednesday night, we did our Christmas with the kids. Kota and Lily were excited...finding out what was in their stockings and opening the presents under the tree. Now, we do believe in Santa Claus....but here, Santa visits Grandma's house...always has. Thursday evening, we headed to Marg and Sam's house (my sister and brother-in-law's house) for Christmas at their house. We had fun. Pizza, yummy hot chocolate, and opening presents. And then we were on to Grandma's house to bunk down for the night and wait for Santa's arrival.
It was funny, this year, all the adults were awake before the kids were. I wake up to find Jed, his sister, his mom, and Jed's grandmother sitting in the living room chatting. It was nice having that quiet time, listening to Brittiany talk about not sleeping due to the harmonious snoring from those who will remained nameless to protect the innocent.
We had wake Kota up this Christmas morning...last year, we had to wake Lily up. It is so invigorating seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child. Lily loved opening presents. And by Christmas evening at Boo's house, she was opening any unprotected present she could find. Aunt Samantha used the kids as little elves to pass out the presents and Lily was opening Boo's present as she carried it to her Boo.
Kota got his "Darth Vader Sword"...which he hasn't put down and won't let anyone touch. And we got Dakota his Star Wars which he wasn't all that excited about. I was in shock...but it's okay...he will love it more when Spring comes and we start out walks around the neighborhood again.
~Lexi, Lily, and Kota~
The day after Christmas (Saturday)....we went out to Aunt Samantha and Uncle Jerry's house...and set out on a trek across their property. It was a long walk...but fun. We used Teamwork...getting everyone across the creek and back. Nothing like working together to make sure no one falls into the cold water. After the walk, we sat in front of the fireplace and watched movies while the White Chili simmered.
Comfort food and a fireplace with family makes for a wonderful holiday.
I'm sure there are a lot of stories missing from this Christmas 2009 anecdote...and they will come to me as I browse through the picture folder from Christmas as I make the slide show.
It was truly a Christmas to least until next year when we make new memories.
This was before they left town last night...leave it to the oldest sister to ham it up for the camera!!
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