Miss Lily Lu.....she was finally sleeping after throwing up all afternoon. Lily must have caught some stomach bug...and it really took a toll on her. Thankfully, we think it is all out of her system. She is just super tired now...as are we from a long night of staying up.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Happy Birthday, Dakota
Happy Birthday, Dakota!!!
I can't believe my little dude is 4 years old. This morning, he was walking through the house singing ♫Happy Birthday to Me...Kota, Happy Birthday to me...Kota♫
Today, we got up and went to the park...but first, we went by the bakery at our local grocery store and Dakota got to pick out what he wanted. He then picked out a cupcake for Lily.
And then off to the park, to eat our treats!
They played and played...and then we headed on to the gym.
They said that Dakota was just so polite today. I guess it has to do with being 4 now.
He was sharing with his friend, Mrs. Connie.
It makes my heart ♥ happy to hear the good reports about Dakota.
Lily...enjoying her cupcake
Kota with the puppy cupcake that he picked out!
Playing at the park today
I can't believe my little dude is 4 years old. This morning, he was walking through the house singing ♫Happy Birthday to Me...Kota, Happy Birthday to me...Kota♫
Today, we got up and went to the park...but first, we went by the bakery at our local grocery store and Dakota got to pick out what he wanted. He then picked out a cupcake for Lily.
And then off to the park, to eat our treats!
They played and played...and then we headed on to the gym.
They said that Dakota was just so polite today. I guess it has to do with being 4 now.
He was sharing with his friend, Mrs. Connie.
It makes my heart ♥ happy to hear the good reports about Dakota.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Way Back When-esday: 2nd Birthday
I decided to stick to a theme of birthdays since this is Dakota's birthday week. The pictures above are from Dakota's 2ND Birthday. This was almost 8 weeks after Lilyann was born. And one week after we received the news that Lilyann had a congenital heart defect.
And to look at Lilyann and Dakota now...Lily is heart healthy and 2 yrs old. Dakota is healthy and turns 4 yrs old tomorrow (28Th).
I love my kids....even on the days when I think "what was I thinking wanting kids??"
Playing along with Cheryl from Twinfatuation for Way Back When-esday!! Stop on by and play along this week.
And to look at Lilyann and Dakota now...Lily is heart healthy and 2 yrs old. Dakota is healthy and turns 4 yrs old tomorrow (28Th).
Playing along with Cheryl from Twinfatuation for Way Back When-esday!! Stop on by and play along this week.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Dakota's 4th Birthday party

As you can tell from the pictures...it was quite the party. Yes, Dakota had a poochie lip episode...that lasted almost the whole party. He has been geared up for his party for a while. And then when it is finally here. He decides to be grumpy. He LOVES all the attention, but I think he is a bit shy when he actually gets all the attention. Dakota's party was a Buzz Lightyear theme party. We didn't do much for decorations...but Grandma did a fantastic job on the cake! The cake was the decorations (until we ate it! yummy!!)
Dakota really enjoyed his party...for those that were there and thought maybe he didn't. He played with his new toys all day today.
I can't believe my little guy is going to be 4 (January 28th)....He is growing up so fast.
The super duper cool cake that Grandma made
and a closeup of the cake...awesome!
Dakota got new boots for his Birthday. He loves his new boots.
Dakota really enjoyed his party...for those that were there and thought maybe he didn't. He played with his new toys all day today.
I can't believe my little guy is going to be 4 (January 28th)....He is growing up so fast.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Favorite Foto Friday
Playing along with one of my blogger friends, Anne Marie. Today is Favorite Foto Friday.
The theme this week is Favorite Animals
{real or fake}
Here is Dakota's favorite animal
My Little boy is growing up.
And Now Lily's favorites. They are fake as well.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Way Back When: 1st birthday
We are only a few days away from Dakota's 4th Birthday party.
We are a week away from Dakota's 4th birthday.
It was quite a memorable one. One that should have been recorded..but the pictures captured the fun...or should I say trauma!?!
After we lit the candle and placed the monkey cupcake in front of him, we started to sing ♫Happy Birthday to you♫ and Kota reached out for the blazing candle. Everyone gasped. But it wasn't a quiet gasp...it was a gasp and shriek. That scared the crap out of Kota. That is why you see the calm picture first...Dakota just checking out the candle. And then the second picture, he is crying.
Kota is beside me while I am typing this...and He says, "that was me when I was a baby having a birthday." I told him, "yes, that was you when you were 1..that is why you have 1 candle. This year you get 4 candles."
Sharing pictures this Wednesday for Way Back When-esday. Playing along with Cheryl at Twinfatuation.
We are a week away from Dakota's 4th birthday.
It was quite a memorable one. One that should have been recorded..but the pictures captured the fun...or should I say trauma!?!
After we lit the candle and placed the monkey cupcake in front of him, we started to sing ♫Happy Birthday to you♫ and Kota reached out for the blazing candle. Everyone gasped. But it wasn't a quiet gasp...it was a gasp and shriek. That scared the crap out of Kota. That is why you see the calm picture first...Dakota just checking out the candle. And then the second picture, he is crying.
Kota is beside me while I am typing this...and He says, "that was me when I was a baby having a birthday." I told him, "yes, that was you when you were 1..that is why you have 1 candle. This year you get 4 candles."
Sharing pictures this Wednesday for Way Back When-esday. Playing along with Cheryl at Twinfatuation.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Blogger's Block ?!?!
I think maybe I have blogger's block.
Is that even a legit diagnosis??
I have thoughts...but when they thoughts come to me, I don't have the time to sit down at the computer and tell you all about my thoughts. The kids pull me here or there.
With the weather being warmer, the kids have been outside more. I think on Monday...they were outside about 90% of the time. They loved being able to jump on the trampoline, swing on the swings, play with the puppies through the neighbor's fence, and just have fun. They weren't confined to the house...like it has been for the last week or 2. They were free...free to be outside...feel the sunshine (and the humidity). It's been nice.
Is that even a legit diagnosis??
I have thoughts...but when they thoughts come to me, I don't have the time to sit down at the computer and tell you all about my thoughts. The kids pull me here or there.
With the weather being warmer, the kids have been outside more. I think on Monday...they were outside about 90% of the time. They loved being able to jump on the trampoline, swing on the swings, play with the puppies through the neighbor's fence, and just have fun. They weren't confined to the house...like it has been for the last week or 2. They were free...free to be outside...feel the sunshine (and the humidity). It's been nice.
We have been just taking it easy lately. We had a carefree weekend...which was nice since the weather was kinda yucky. Just a continual drizzle all day...enough to get you wet. We did go look at bunk beds for the kids' room. We found a set that we like...just waiting for the wonderful income tax return to come in and we will get them. Dakota was excited. He got to play on the display and then he cried when we left without the new bunk beds.
I, also, spent Saturday looking around for Buzz Lightyear decorations for Dakota's party. We didn't find any. I know they sell them online...but the shipping is what gets you. So, we have decided to let the cake be the main decoration (well, Grandma helped me decide that) and we use solid colors that will bring it all together. Dakota's birthday is on the 28Th, but we will be celebrating it on the 24Th.
Well, I will let that be our little update for now. I was wide awake, but sitting down at the computer has somewhat relaxed me...and then looking at the clock in the bottom right hand corner of the screen reminds me that...Bedtime is a must! Sleep is essential to make it through the day with children.

Here is Lily...all ready for a picture taken with Dakota...and then he turns around at the last minute.......as you can see from the picture below...Lily was not too happy that Dakota wasn't staying to take the picture.

Well, I will let that be our little update for now. I was wide awake, but sitting down at the computer has somewhat relaxed me...and then looking at the clock in the bottom right hand corner of the screen reminds me that...Bedtime is a must! Sleep is essential to make it through the day with children.
Here is Lily...all ready for a picture taken with Dakota...and then he turns around at the last minute.......as you can see from the picture below...Lily was not too happy that Dakota wasn't staying to take the picture.
Update on Lilyana
We are still praying for Lilyana. She came out of surgery and was awake. She was running a fever last time I read the update. Keep Lilyana and Jenna in your prayers. Most times, recovery is the hardest part.

You can click on the button above to read the full update on Lilyana. I will add this button to the left column of our blog for easy access to those praying for Lilyana.
You can click on the button above to read the full update on Lilyana. I will add this button to the left column of our blog for easy access to those praying for Lilyana.
Pray for Lilyana (our heart friend)
I am posting this for my friend, Jenna. I met her through the Internet way back when my Lily was diagnosed with a Congenital Heart Defect. I was devastated. But Jenna helped me through those rough times...answering my questions and offering support.
See at that time, she was pregnant with her daughter, Lilyana. And she already knew that her daughter had many things wrong with her heart. Jenna is such a strong momma. She is sitting right now at a hospital in Arizona...waiting while her Lily is having her 4th open heart surgery. This is the longer surgery...8 hours.
You can click on the button "praying for Lilyana" to visit their blog.
Prayers are needed right now.
Stop and say a prayer for Jenna, Lilyana, and the surgeons.
Monday, January 18, 2010
~~will blog soon~~
The kids are giving me a run for my money today....I'm working on cleaning, keeping the kids occupied, laundry, playing outside, going to the gym, and planning Kota's 4th birthday party for Sunday.
Busy, Busy...
The kids are giving me a run for my money today....I'm working on cleaning, keeping the kids occupied, laundry, playing outside, going to the gym, and planning Kota's 4th birthday party for Sunday.
Busy, Busy...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Writer's Workshop
What’s in YOUR name? What does it mean? Why was it given to you? etc..
This is my writing prompt for today...to tell you about my name.
I'm Joy. Joy Elizabeth.
It is just Joy, no derivative of Joyce...much to stranger's dismay.
Simply from the English word joy, ultimately derived from Norman French joie, Latin gaudia. Is has been regularly used as a given name since the late 19th century.
The meaning of my name is my name...Joy=Joy!
My parents named me (I know...who else would have named me?!) I am not sure if they had the name already and why they saved it for me. But my mom tells me that I was the chubbiest little baby. And when the doctor spanked my bottom, I cried and she could see the single dimple in my cheek (on my face). I am number 7 of 8 children. So, I do not know if my parents had that name in their heads just waiting for the right child to be born to go with that name.
My dad used to call me Joy Beth...and on very rare occasions Joy Bells. I have had many a nicknames. Let's see...Joy Beth, Joy Bells, Joy Bethy, Joy Betski (thanks to my older brother), Joy Joy, Jo, JoJo, Joy Unspeakable and Full of Joy, and Happy Happy Joy Joy. Lots of different nicknames. I guess each one depended on how that person felt and how I was acting...lol
I love my name...I do not hear many people with that name. When I moved to Texas, That was one of the first times that I remember more than 2 people with the name Joy.
So...yes! that is my name...Joy. But I don't hear it as much anymore...it is usually Mom, mommy, MOMMY, or MOMMA!!
Okay...that's a little about me.
This writer's prompt was hosted by Kathy at Mama's Losin' It. Check out her blog and play along...there are also other prompts there to get you writing. And check back every Thursday on Kathy's blog to get new prompts.
This is my writing prompt for today...to tell you about my name.
I'm Joy. Joy Elizabeth.
It is just Joy, no derivative of Joyce...much to stranger's dismay.
Simply from the English word joy, ultimately derived from Norman French joie, Latin gaudia. Is has been regularly used as a given name since the late 19th century.
The meaning of my name is my name...Joy=Joy!
My parents named me (I know...who else would have named me?!) I am not sure if they had the name already and why they saved it for me. But my mom tells me that I was the chubbiest little baby. And when the doctor spanked my bottom, I cried and she could see the single dimple in my cheek (on my face). I am number 7 of 8 children. So, I do not know if my parents had that name in their heads just waiting for the right child to be born to go with that name.
My dad used to call me Joy Beth...and on very rare occasions Joy Bells. I have had many a nicknames. Let's see...Joy Beth, Joy Bells, Joy Bethy, Joy Betski (thanks to my older brother), Joy Joy, Jo, JoJo, Joy Unspeakable and Full of Joy, and Happy Happy Joy Joy. Lots of different nicknames. I guess each one depended on how that person felt and how I was acting...lol
I love my name...I do not hear many people with that name. When I moved to Texas, That was one of the first times that I remember more than 2 people with the name Joy.
So...yes! that is my name...Joy. But I don't hear it as much anymore...it is usually Mom, mommy, MOMMY, or MOMMA!!
Okay...that's a little about me.
This writer's prompt was hosted by Kathy at Mama's Losin' It. Check out her blog and play along...there are also other prompts there to get you writing. And check back every Thursday on Kathy's blog to get new prompts.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Way Back When-esday: cousins

That is Kota ..he was 6 months old here. And the little girl in the picture is my neice, Samantha. I think she was giving Kota a kiss.
Playing along with Cheryl at Twinfatuation for Way Back When-esday!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
3rd time's a charm...at least for Dakota
I never thought it would happen...but it did! We finally had a wonderful "tooth doctor" visit! Finally! I guess 3rd time really is the charm.
Previously, I had taken Dakota to Kool Smiles (a network of dental offices that provides general dental care to children and parents). And let me tell you....I was not the least bit impressed. The first time, I was made to feel like the bad mom, since Dakota had cavities, etc. The 2ND time....was a very traumatic experience for Dakota (and myself)....let me just tell you...they did x-rays which Dakota cried through...and that was just the start.
So, I finally found another dentist...Thanks to my sister. And they accepted Medicaid (the kids' insurance)...but were not accepting new patients. Since Dakota had a referral for an evaluation for sedation work, they scheduled us. Dakota did great! The atmosphere was calm and inviting. The staff had great people skills. It was Fantastic!
After they checked out Dakota's teeth and started talking about all the work that he would need done. (yes, he needed work done. Cavities and Tooth decay were not nice to his teeth...thanks to late night sippy cups) I got on the subject of Lilyann. I wanted to put a plug in for her...to see..if just maybe they would go ahead and see her (though she would be considered a new patient)...and it worked!! They asked me to bring her back that afternoon. They saw her, got her evaluated, and scheduled for her dental work.
Both kids will require dental surgery. Yes, sad. But this way, they can have everything taken care all at once. We won't have to make numerous visits to the dentist over a period of time. Lilyann has a tooth that was severely chipped over Thanksgiving weekend. The dentist told me that this tooth looks to be savable!
Since both kids require dental work, we scheduled them for the same day. February 25. So, we have about a month to prepare for it all.
I am sad that the kids will have to go through this, but it will help their teeth in the long run. We are already working on starting good teeth habits. Brushing more. Cutting back on the sweet drinks and adding more water. It will be hard, but worth it in the long run.
I didn't take any pictures of Dakota at the dentist. I was nervous at how well he was behaving to begin with...I didn't want to jinx it.
But I did get a chance to snap of picture of Miss Lilyann...sitting proud in the dental chair...as happy as could be...and this was even after they had "counted" her teeth and used their special mirror.
I am so happy that the kids both did well at the dentist. Happy kids make for a happy mommy.
Keep February 25 in mind...and pray for the kids.
Previously, I had taken Dakota to Kool Smiles (a network of dental offices that provides general dental care to children and parents). And let me tell you....I was not the least bit impressed. The first time, I was made to feel like the bad mom, since Dakota had cavities, etc. The 2ND time....was a very traumatic experience for Dakota (and myself)....let me just tell you...they did x-rays which Dakota cried through...and that was just the start.
So, I finally found another dentist...Thanks to my sister. And they accepted Medicaid (the kids' insurance)...but were not accepting new patients. Since Dakota had a referral for an evaluation for sedation work, they scheduled us. Dakota did great! The atmosphere was calm and inviting. The staff had great people skills. It was Fantastic!
After they checked out Dakota's teeth and started talking about all the work that he would need done. (yes, he needed work done. Cavities and Tooth decay were not nice to his teeth...thanks to late night sippy cups) I got on the subject of Lilyann. I wanted to put a plug in for her...to see..if just maybe they would go ahead and see her (though she would be considered a new patient)...and it worked!! They asked me to bring her back that afternoon. They saw her, got her evaluated, and scheduled for her dental work.
Both kids will require dental surgery. Yes, sad. But this way, they can have everything taken care all at once. We won't have to make numerous visits to the dentist over a period of time. Lilyann has a tooth that was severely chipped over Thanksgiving weekend. The dentist told me that this tooth looks to be savable!
Since both kids require dental work, we scheduled them for the same day. February 25. So, we have about a month to prepare for it all.
I am sad that the kids will have to go through this, but it will help their teeth in the long run. We are already working on starting good teeth habits. Brushing more. Cutting back on the sweet drinks and adding more water. It will be hard, but worth it in the long run.
I didn't take any pictures of Dakota at the dentist. I was nervous at how well he was behaving to begin with...I didn't want to jinx it.
But I did get a chance to snap of picture of Miss Lilyann...sitting proud in the dental chair...as happy as could be...and this was even after they had "counted" her teeth and used their special mirror.
I am so happy that the kids both did well at the dentist. Happy kids make for a happy mommy.
Keep February 25 in mind...and pray for the kids.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Dakota's thinking

Now, you might find the above picture odd...but I wanted to share with you Dakota's thinking. I don't know where he comes up with this stuff...but I guess it can be labeled as "thinking outside the box".
We are teaching Dakota about the calendar. We first used the calendar with stickers to show how many times he went potty. Now, that he has the potty mastered. We are trying to teach him the concept of time...and waiting.
Like when my sisters were coming for Christmas, we marked off the days and the days left would be "x amount of sleeps 'til Aunt Tammie gets here".
Now, we are counting down the days 'til Kota's birthday. The day he turns 4 yrs old. He has been telling me since Lily's birthday that he is "trying to be 4".
Well, we cross off the days already passed...and I put a big 4 on his birthday (the 28th). The black arrow is the route that Dakota would like to take to make the time pass quicker so he can be 4 already. The night he told me this, I was in shock..so I asked him to tell me again. And he told me, we need to go down, down, down...and then he can be 4 and have a Buzz cake. We don't need to go back and forth on the calendar. Can you believe his thinking?? I love it!! It made me laugh! how about you?

Just thought I would share a little of Dakota's thinking with you.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Our week in review
It has been quite the week. Lily has been sick...which makes for long nights for everyone. She started out with a croupy cough, moved to cough and fever, and is now fever free with a runny nose and congestion. The Dr is calling in some medicine for Lilyann to take for the congestion. Hopefully, we are on the last leg of this "cold".
With this arctic blast hitting the south and south east...we are having some record breaking tips. Thankfully, we are safe and warm inside.
We did take the kids swimming on Sunday afternoon at the gym's pool. It has been awhile since we have had the opportunity to go for Family swim time.
I hope you enjoy a few photos from our week.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Way Back When-esday: New class
Dakota with Pastor Gray II - June 14, 2009
Here's my handsome Dakota. He has moved up to the 4 year Boys Sunday school class. Now, all the other boys in the picture aren't 4 years old. This is their open assembly...where they sing and play games before Sunday school class starts.
Dakota is not yet 4 years old. He turns 4 on Jan. 28th; but, they move the kids up on the first week of their birthday month.
My little man is growing up!
Dakota ~ January 3, 2010
I am playing along this week for Way Back When with Cheryl at Twinfatuation.
Here's my handsome Dakota. He has moved up to the 4 year Boys Sunday school class. Now, all the other boys in the picture aren't 4 years old. This is their open assembly...where they sing and play games before Sunday school class starts.
Dakota is not yet 4 years old. He turns 4 on Jan. 28th; but, they move the kids up on the first week of their birthday month.
My little man is growing up!
I am playing along this week for Way Back When with Cheryl at Twinfatuation.
Monday, January 4, 2010
In case you didn't know, it's 2010
This is the first post of 2010...I can't believe I haven't posted anything earlier...The long weekend just kind of flew by.
So, here we are...4 days into the new year. I wonder what 2010 has in store for my family???
Well, this is how we rang in the new year......
Like I talked about in the last post of 2009, we headed out to Aunt Samantha and Uncle Jerry's house for Hamburgers on the grill. On our way there, we stopped at the Fireworks stand and bought a few fireworks. Our night consisted of:
firework fun,
Kota's 1st sparkler
Lilyann's 1st sparkler with Katie
Brooke shooting off a Roman Candle..it was a cold and rainy night...but still fun.
eating some more,
playing farkle (which I won one game!! woohoo!!),
singing Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday, Jed! yes, all of those candles were for him
eating Jed's birthday cake,
and watching home movies.
And finally, ringing in the new year.
I think my age might be catching up with me...because even after 2 cups of coffee, I was so ready for bed after the clock struck midnight!!
Kota is excited...we are FINALLY in the same month as his birthday. The last few days, he has woken up asking if today was his birthday. I have a calendar in his room, and we have his birthday marked (Jan.28th) and we are crossing off the days til his birthday. He is ready for his birthday to be here so he can have his Buzz cake.
So, here we are...4 days into the new year. I wonder what 2010 has in store for my family???
Well, this is how we rang in the new year......
Like I talked about in the last post of 2009, we headed out to Aunt Samantha and Uncle Jerry's house for Hamburgers on the grill. On our way there, we stopped at the Fireworks stand and bought a few fireworks. Our night consisted of:
firework fun,
eating some more,
playing farkle (which I won one game!! woohoo!!),
singing Happy Birthday,
eating Jed's birthday cake,
and watching home movies.
And finally, ringing in the new year.
I think my age might be catching up with me...because even after 2 cups of coffee, I was so ready for bed after the clock struck midnight!!
Kota is excited...we are FINALLY in the same month as his birthday. The last few days, he has woken up asking if today was his birthday. I have a calendar in his room, and we have his birthday marked (Jan.28th) and we are crossing off the days til his birthday. He is ready for his birthday to be here so he can have his Buzz cake.
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