Now, you might find the above picture odd...but I wanted to share with you Dakota's thinking. I don't know where he comes up with this stuff...but I guess it can be labeled as "thinking outside the box".
We are teaching Dakota about the calendar. We first used the calendar with stickers to show how many times he went potty. Now, that he has the potty mastered. We are trying to teach him the concept of time...and waiting.
Like when my sisters were coming for Christmas, we marked off the days and the days left would be "x amount of sleeps 'til Aunt Tammie gets here".
Now, we are counting down the days 'til Kota's birthday. The day he turns 4 yrs old. He has been telling me since Lily's birthday that he is "trying to be 4".
Well, we cross off the days already passed...and I put a big 4 on his birthday (the 28th). The black arrow is the route that Dakota would like to take to make the time pass quicker so he can be 4 already. The night he told me this, I was in shock..so I asked him to tell me again. And he told me, we need to go down, down, down...and then he can be 4 and have a Buzz cake. We don't need to go back and forth on the calendar. Can you believe his thinking?? I love it!! It made me laugh! how about you?

Just thought I would share a little of Dakota's thinking with you.
I like the "calendar method". Good luck.
Enjoy your weekend.
So clever! Love his method. :)
Have a great week. :)
Lol! I love it! Kids are so funny! :)
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