we are on the countdown....1 week from today, Dakota will be in school...well, he will actually be home from school already. Last Thursday, we got the letter that tells us which classroom, time slot, and teacher he will have. He gets the morning class time slot...He will attend school from 8-11 am. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I guess you could say that I am eager, but not really anxious (I did a whole project on correct diction way back in highschool...so now is where that comes in handy)
Dakota was ever so thrilled to get a personal letter from his new teacher on Saturday reminding him to come to the "Meet the Teacher" on Thursday.
Dakota has all his school supplies purchased and ready...Grandma took Dakota and his cousin, Alexis (she is going to Pre-K this year, too) out school shopping. She made picture lists for the kids..they had so much fun making sure they got each item on the list...and making sure it matched the picture.

It sad to think about...but my baby will be going to school...He's not really a baby anymore, though. He has grown up so fast...and I know that it is time for him to go off to school and learn more. His going to school will give me time to work on the potty training with Lily. She is doing better...Saturday, Lily got 3 treats for going potty 3 times in the potty!! yay!! And this morning, she took off her pull up from the night time and asked for help to put panties on. Wow!! I can't have both kids growing up in the same week, can I?!

~playing along with Cheryl from Twinfatuation for Makes My Monday
Dakota was ever so thrilled to get a personal letter from his new teacher on Saturday reminding him to come to the "Meet the Teacher" on Thursday.
Dakota has all his school supplies purchased and ready...Grandma took Dakota and his cousin, Alexis (she is going to Pre-K this year, too) out school shopping. She made picture lists for the kids..they had so much fun making sure they got each item on the list...and making sure it matched the picture.
It sad to think about...but my baby will be going to school...He's not really a baby anymore, though. He has grown up so fast...and I know that it is time for him to go off to school and learn more. His going to school will give me time to work on the potty training with Lily. She is doing better...Saturday, Lily got 3 treats for going potty 3 times in the potty!! yay!! And this morning, she took off her pull up from the night time and asked for help to put panties on. Wow!! I can't have both kids growing up in the same week, can I?!
~playing along with Cheryl from Twinfatuation for Makes My Monday
Is a bittersweet feeling for us (moms) but our kids are going to have lots of fun at school.
Why they grow so fast?(sniff,sniff).
Remember the pictures on Monday.
Isn't the onset of the school year so nostalgia inducing?!? What dolls you have...that last shot is so adorable. :)
Thank you so much for playing along with Makes My Monday!
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