Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Moving on to Big things

 Little Chickie is getting the hang of the big girl bed. This week, we started bedtime for her on the bottom bunk. The 1st night was easy, the 2nd night was difficult. Given her sister is on the top bunk and they tend to annoy each other til one or the other falls asleep. 
I decided to use the big girl bed for nap time today. It took almost an hour and 3+ times of my telling her it was nap time. But, we did have success!!

Once the "baby" falls asleep (and if the big kids have obeyed during rest time), it's play time for the big kids. Dakota and Lily were slightly ecstatic to get to play Angry Birds on the Wii this afternoon. I'm not sure how long the sharing and playing together will last; but for now, I'll just bask in the sibling kindness happening in my living room.

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