~2 Chronicles 7:14~
One thing for sure, I'm overjoyed that all the political advertisements are over. Though now it is a very crucial time for our nation. Some seem to find that bashing the new President-elect makes the fact that their candidate didn't get elected makes their bashing okay. The President-elect needs all the prayers that he can get. I'm so glad that I do not have to fill those shoes. Being a mommy and wife is hard enough for me.
Just adding this post to remind you all to pray for our President, President-elect, and the First families.
The above button was posted on a blog that enjoy reading: Bring the Rain, The Story of Audrey Caroline. Angie Smith is the blog author; she is the mother of Audrey Caroline, and wife of Todd Smith (a vocalist in the group, Selah). She posted this button for everyone to add to their blog to remember to pray for your children especially with all the changes that are happening and will continue to happy in our great United States of America. Here is a link to Angie's blog if you would like to check it out: http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/
I urge you all to pray for your children daily...and to pray for our nation.
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