Another Day in the Smith household started early. We all got up (though Dakota wasn't happy about it) around 4 a.m. to take Jed to work. Lilyann had an appointment at the WIC office for her re certification. Since she will be a toddler on the 30Th of this month, she needed to be weighed, measured, and iron levels checked.
We make it to the WIC office around 8:35...a few minutes before a scheduled appointment 8:45. We waited almost an hour before they finally took us back. Lilyann was weighed...she is now 16 lbs 14 oz (a little under her last weigh in at her Dr's appt). She was measured...she is now 27 1/4 inches long. And her iron levels were checked~~via finger prick. After all this, we sit and wait some more (yay!! fun!!) and then we are called back to see the nutritionist. The nutritionist informs me that Lilyann is not on the chart for her weigh and she is really concerned about it. (as we are too...but given the circumstances, Lilyann is doing great!!) Now don't get me wrong, I'm concerned about Lilyann's weight (according to the nutritionist, Lily should weigh, at the least, 4 lbs more to be "on the chart" weight wise) but give us a break!! Lilyann eats anything we give her...and as much as we give her. She is like a food vacuum...consumes and picks up whatever is in her path. Maybe she just has a high metabolism...I don't know. After this, the nutritionist proceeds to tell me that Lilyann is anemic. Her iron levels are low. They are at 9 points and they should be, at the least, 11 points. So, hearing all this and dealing with 2 fussy children (we have been at the WIC office for 2 hours now) had me quite overwhelmed. It was a long morning. I talked with Jed and his mom and my mom about it. Jed and I came to the conclusion to wait and see what the pediatrician has to say about all of this. And see, if perhaps, Lily can have another iron test done at their office. I found some information on eating iron enriched foods and what to feed your toddlers and I'm going to implement that into Lily's eating. If you have any ideas of ways to add more iron, Vitamin C, and protein to a child's diet...I'm all ears!!
Our day wasn't all about the WIC office. After the appointment, we went out to my sister's house, Marg. Dakota was excited to see Samantha and Cash. Lily and Kota both had a great time playing with their cousins. Samantha found out that she can pick up you can see in the photo posted of Lilyann and Samantha. The kids had a great time playing in Marg's backyard...and the pretty leaves made for some great photos.
We ended our day with a trip to the gym. A nice work out to get rid of some of the frustrations of the day....and then topped it off with a trip to Grandma's house where Dakota watched his new favorite movie, Finding Nemo.
Thanks for listening about a day in the life of the Smiths....check back for more stories...coming soon to a blog near you.
Hello from your long lost cousin. :) Just wanted to let you know that I love the pictures! Lilyann looks amazing. :) What an answer to prayer! I love you all and am praying for you!!
Hello, Courtney!! We think of you often! I pray you are enjoying college and all that goes with it. Thank you for all the prayers.
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