Tuesday, August 5, 2008

All Clear

Miss Lilyann~~8 months old
Lilyann waiting for them to call her back for her echo
Lilyann with Dr. Penn Laird, her cardiologist

Hello to all:
About 7 months ago, our lives changed forever. I never thought that almost 7 months after finding out that my daughter had a Congenital Heart Defect and was failing to thrive, that i would ever be posting this now. But there is a God! With God, prayer, and the knowledgeable cardiologists and surgeons, Lilyann's heart is perfect. The hole in her heart is gone....and she was given the "all clear" from her cardiologist today!!
Dr. Penn said that if he didn't already know that Lilyann had had surgery to repair her VSD, that he would of never known that she had a heart condition from looking at the results of her echo. He said that her heart looks great. He is very pleased with her recovery and he has given us a thumbs up.
We no longer will see the cardiologist every 3 months. We are now on the once a year routine visit list. Lily doesn't have to go back to the Dr until she is 2 yrs old!!
While sitting and listening to the Dr, all i could think was "wow!! my baby girl is all better...this is so awesome!! God is good!!"
Thank you all for your prayers for Lilyann and for our family. Lilyann has been through so much....which has all made her one strong little girl. Lily is going to do something great one day...all thanks to the prayers of friends and family and thanks to God.


Marge Coleman said...

thats awesome!!! i am soooo glad to hear that!! lily is a strong girl and is already someone great and helps to encourage other family's going through the same issue!! we love you lily....
Aunt Marge, Uncle Sam, Samantha, & Cash ;]


The tears are flowing down my face as I read this. The tears of joy of course. What a wonderful post, and we give all Glory to our Precious Saviour and Ultimate Healer. These are great pictures too. I especially like the one with the cardiologist. This will be a great memory to look back on and reflect on God's Faithfulness. Keep up the Good Work, Miss Lily. God has indeed made you one beautiful little girl. We pray you and Dakota will accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour at a very early age.

We Love You All,
Christy For The Shumaker HouseHold
Psalm 84:11

John David and Chrystal Matney said...

How amazing our God is! We are so happy for you guys! I can relate when you talk about getting the all clear from the doctor! We are waiting patiently for that day too! Thank you for all your advice and friendship!


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!! It thrills our hearts to hear this news. Truly with God nothing shall be impossible. We look forward to seeing the great things He surely has in store for this precious little girl! Our prayers are with you as you train dear little Lily (and Dakota too!) to love and serve the Savior.
With Love,
the Earnshaws