This could be the best of all Monday makers (until it happens for Lily and Baby #3)
Dakota asked Jesus into his heart this weekend. It is such a precious moment for parent and child. Dakota has been talking alot about "clean heart" and "dirty heart"...I had asked him a few questions about it all and he seemed to have the right answers at that time, but then would change the subject to something else but a few seconds later. So, we have been waiting, watching, and listening. Finally....Friday evening after baths...Dakota asked Daddy if he would help him pray to Jesus and ask him to come into his heart and make it all clean. Jed and Dakota talked for awhile...and then Kota came out of his room all smiles telling Myself, Aunt Tammie, and Lily that he prayed and asked Jesus into his heart. Truly incredible!
My handsome Kota..way back whenYou never know what the future holds for your child....but I feel that Dakota's future will be onward and upward from here. Pray for Dakota as he embarks on this glorious adventure. He's following Jesus and I know that's the best person to be following.
And now some updates from us:*Aunt Tammie has returned home to Florida...I already miss her. She helped me stay on top of housework while she was here.
*I have hit the 18 week mark with this pregnancy....I think I am feeling the baby move around abit :) We have our fetal echo and sonogram for baby on the 13Th...only 4 more days. And we should find out the gender of baby, too. Praying all goes well with the fetal echo. This is just precautionary due to Lily's congenital heart defect that required open heart surgery.
*Dakota has 3 weeks and 1 day left of school!!
*and...we are just under 6 weeks away from our Summer vacation to Tennessee!! I can't wait!!
So.....what makes your Monday? Share and link up with Cheryl from
Twinfatuation to read about more Monday makers.