Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mommy's Day!

That special day for was yesterday. Leia started celebrating early for me by sleeping 8 hours straight on Friday night/Saturday morning. I'll take what I can get at this stage. It was a one night occurrence but it was appreciated.
My son offered a spontaneous kiss and hug during the song service at church. Love this!
My middle child, Lily, got out of bed to give more hugs and kisses to round the day out.

There's something about holidays that makes me just want to do a lazy day with my little family. I enjoy the carefree times where I can sit and watch tv or lie in the hammock watching the kids play and argue over who's turn is next on the swing. It's all good.

Mother's Day weekend was fun. 

Next on the list is Kindergarten Graduation for Dakota, End of Year party, Memorial Day weekend and our 8th Wedding Anniversary, and then VACATION!! 

I truly can't wait til vacation. We are going to Florida to visit my family. It's been almost 2 years since I've seen some of my family. Given I wouldn't be able to live with my family but in this situation, Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Some holidays, I miss not spending them with my family. Not being able to give my mom or dad a hug on their special day. But I remember that I'll see them sometime during the summer and I do have my little family to take care of as well. 
For those of you who live close to your families, appreciate them, love them, and don't take for granted the closeness you share.

Now...Dinner isn't going to fix I must go.


"Grammy" Sue B said...

I know you treasure every hug and kiss, Joy. Don't ever lose sight of your babes' affection. Some kids grow up and grow "away". One of my sons is 6-hours away but I haven't seen or heard from him since last summer. His distance (not referring to miles) is hurtful. He won't return my calls. My other son lives in California, and he doesn't call me. I only talk with him when I call. Mother's Day is very difficult for me, but I turn it around and focus on my own Mom.
I love hearing about Mother's Days like yours, and pray you are blessed for many many years with that loving closeness.
Love you....Aunt Sue

Annie said...

Having kids and enjoying time with them is a blessing.

So glad you had a great day.