Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring has Sprung

Dakota and Alexis...can you tell they are excited?

Sitting with Grandma

The Crocodile...during the Captain Hook part of the show

Lilyann..all happy go lucky...on the way home

Spring is here!! I love Spring almost as much as I love Fall. My 2 favorite seasons-->beautiful weather and seeing all of the changing colors....and you can't forget about yard sales!!

Dakota and Lilyann are loving the wonderful weather...minus the pollen, of course. With such awesome weather, we have been spending more time outdoors. Lilyann is getting over her bout with still seems to hit her in the evening time, but the cool spring air helps.

Well, let's see...what all has happened since my last post? I already informed you all about Lilyann's croup. She was on steriods for 3 days..which seemed to help alot. She is doing active as ever. And walking sometimes better than mommy. It is amazing to see my little girl walking all over the place and being so independent. You might see in some of the pictures that Lily has a booboo on her head. She fell down the front steps (it was just 2 steps) trying to get her sippy cup...and it resulted with a egg on her head, and sippy cup in hand. She is one determined little girl.

This past weekend, we made a trip to Dallas, TX. Grandma (Jed's Mom) had purchased tickets for all of us to see Disney on Ice....Dallas is a halfway point between us and Brittiany, Andy, and Alexis. So we all--->meaning Grandma, Boo, Jed, myself, Dakota, Lilyann, Brittiany, Andy, Alexis, and Alex<---met up in Dallas. Since we were in the area, we stopped in to Great Grandpa Frank and GG. (This is Grandad's mom and stepdad) We had a great visit...Lilyann was all over the place...walking with her hands behind her back and sporting the poochy lip when she was told no. If I ever catch Miss Poochy Lip Lily on camera, it will be one priceless picture. Dakota did well also...looking at everything, running around, and riding on the exercise bikes there.

Disney on Ice was spectacular....definitely a must see for all who have never been. It was amazing to see the kids' faces watch the movies they love and enjoy come to life on the ice. Lilyann was pointing and jabbering for the first 10 minutes of the show. She recognized some of the characters...and she just kept pointing. Dakota sat with Alexis on Grandma's lap...and they were so excited. Dakota to be "with his best friend Lexi" and Lexi to be with her Dakota and Grandma. The show consisted of story lines from The Lion King, Lilo and Stitch, The Little Mermaid, and Dakota's all time favorite, Peter Pan. To see his face when Wendy, John, and Michael flew with Peter Pan was priceless. It was a wonderful show.

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