Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thankfulness in July

I know it's not the month of November...but I thought I'd share a few thoughts on being thankful.
I strive to find some sort of good in everything. I know, life can be tough for all of us. But there is good all around us. Whether is comes as a flower, or a kind neighbor just chatting with you. Good is there. 

While I'd love to kick and scream when things don't go my way, I have to remind myself that I have little ones watching (now, reminding doesn't always stop the tantrum, I still have one every once in a while...I'm sure my husband is rolling his eyes right now.) Oh, it's tough, but how will my kids learn except by example.

I've started having the kids pray at meal times...especially dinner time. They tend to spout off the same prayer every time...which is great, they are praying. I asked them one evening to add something to "thank God" for. I gave them examples like: "thanks for letting us go to park today...for riding our bikes...for playing in the pool...for milkshakes...for playing Zumba, etc." I hoped it would catch on to help the kids find something that they could thank God for each evening at dinner. Low and behold, Miss Chickie listened. Her prayer tonight "Thank you for my mom n dad...and thank you for letting us go to the park and see Baby Eli." Talk about having a moment....yeah, I had one. *tears of joy*

A few things that came to mind of what I'm thankful for...
*my health. The ability to walk. While I walked my laps today at the gym, I was kinda annoyed they weren't happening fast enough. This momma was tired. But I turned up the tunes, and started out. On my first lap, I had to move around a group of people in the track. One was pushing a wheelchair, two others were holding onto a young man's waist, and the last one was striving with every fiber in his body to take that next step. He was clad in leg braces from hip to foot. I wanted to cheer him on with every step. He was determined to make it around. And you know, he did!!! It took him over an hour, but SUCCESS!! 
*my sisters. They help me out when I need someone to talk, vent, laugh, and cry to. They probably don't realize it (until now..I let the cat out of the bag..oopsy) but each one has that special nugget of wisdom I need when I call. I'm blessed with 4 sisters and 4 sister-in-laws.
*crazy, funny, and sometimes disagreeable kiddos. They keep me busy. Running from one thing to the other. Cleaning the floors in one room only to come back to a previous room to find a fabulous mess on the floor. Hey! I can add up some of this cleaning time as cardio burning calories ;)'s a WIN WIN, lol

*technology/social networking. It provides me an outlet for me. It lets me see that everyone is on a journey...not just me. Whether it's a silly post about my kiddos, or a random Joy thought...I'm hoping it was a blessing (or laugh) to someone. It lets me connect with others on similar journeys. Whether it be weight loss, motherhood, long lost friends, or just keeping the positivity going. I love it.
I snagged this from a friend's posting today

So....these were just a few randoms from me today. 

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