Each and every child thinks in their own special way. And yes, that's probably not rocket science there.
Here's a little excerpt from my 2 big kids this morning....
We attended the Bible study at church last night. During announcements, our pastor shared 2 funny videos that he made using an app. It sort of distorts his face (bugs his eyes) and changes his voice. Super funny. I love when we laugh in church. And the Bible Study was about The importance of a spending time in the Word of God.
So, on to the kids...... I go into Dakota's room checking to see if he's ready for school. He's lying on his bed playing a game. I start out with "Dakota, you're not dressed yet. Why are you playing a game....." He cuts in with, "Well, I already read my Proverbs for today, Mom." Well, I guess I can't be too displeased with him. :) He's listening and applying with he's hearing during Bible Study.
Later, Lily in the kitchen...."Mom, those videos with Bro. Bob's head all big...and his eyes super big....those were so funny last night." Me: "Yes, Lily, they were pretty funny."
Yes, both kids were in the same service. Both kids remembered 2 different things from that service. While one could be classified as more spiritual, etc., I love that both kids learned and laughed in a positive environment. ♥
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." --Proverbs 22:6
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