Friday, June 19, 2015

Presenting... "Mom"

I positively love my children. Yes, I have to convince myself of that on some days. Summer time makes me realize how underpaid teachers really are. I know...." love your children. You only have a few years with them." I hear this constantly. And I DO love them. Even when they are having their battle of who can stick out their tongue at each other the most...without Mom seeing. Or when they have the whole "I'm-not-touching-you" game in the van while I'm in a drive thru picking up lunch because I'm positively exhausted. All the while, the youngest is crying because I didn't say "french fries" when I ordered her meal and she thinks that she is stuck just eating chicken nuggets.  (insert eye roll here) It doesn't matter how many times I tell her "When mommy says MEAL that includes french fries." Oh, the drama.

Oh, these glorious children. They know when it's a rough day, the oldest suggests I have another cup of coffee. Haha. One thing I can say for sure, we've been active. Out and about almost everyday....even if it's just to the store or the park. Earlier this week, it was to the gym each morning. Due to the rainy weather from Tropical Storm Bill (did it turn into a tropical storm?? I don't watch the news as often since the kids are home) 

So, The reason for this posting is something I hear quite often. I know it's all said in jest, but ya know.....

I am no Super MOM
I mean, seriously, have you seen me in tights?!?! and a cape?!?!  Totally unflattering. Hahahaha

But no, I can't claim that title. Yes, it seems as if I do a lot of things with my children and of course you see my posts on Facebook or Instagram. Lots of pictures. I LOVE pictures. (I do this for my family who lives far away...a great way to keep in touch) I love capturing all the fun times with my kids. I have tons of memories growing up, but few pictures. Way back then, it wasn't a big deal to always have the camera out. If you had pictures, it was more from studio sessions at Olan Mills. I want my kids to have pictures to look back on to help them remember all the fun times they had. So, yes, in a social media aspect, my kids have the best life. And in reality, they truly do. Oh, they may think that my having them do chores, read their books, and help me do things around house are THE WORST EVER. But they do them to get their electronic and/or fun privileges. Yes, we go to the park A LOT! Always at the park it seems. But we don't have a driveway compatible to scooter riding and we live on a busier street. That's our reason for the constant park days. And this can come back to bite me on those days and days of rain. The kids get cabin fever pretty fast.

I know, there's no reason to justify my actions. I'm a mom. Most of my readers are moms. We're trying to stay on top of normal housewife duties on top of entertaining, refereeing, chauffeuring, and loving our small ones. We are ALL "Mom enough" for our children. So, before you feel inferior to other moms, turn and look at your children. You see that smile on their faces. The look of contentment, that all is right in their little world (excuse this if your child is currently throwing a tantrum refusing nap time, etc......I'm dealing with one right now, too). That right there is what proves you are a GREAT Mom. Exactly the Mommy that your kiddos need. They love you more than that sippy cup of chocolate milk they've been whining about all morning. Believe me. :)

While my big kids are finishing up their happy meals and playing their games (yes, I buy them fast food), I'll bask in the quietness until the youngest realizes she's not going to take the nap that she desperately needs. But her standing at her door, whispering "I love you, Momma" kinda makes this mothering thing all worthwhile. 
The job never ends....I'm off to check on something the youngest is now calling "poopoo finger". Oh Joy (insert another eyeroll)


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