Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tigers, Best Friends, and Guacamole

Friday was Jed's "scheduled day off"......since the pay/hour cuts that everyone at Jed's job received, they were told that they needed to take off 5 unpaid days before Friday was Jed's day off. Since Jed was off and the weather was supposed to be spectacular, we made plans to go to the Zoo with the kids. We asked Brittiany (Jed's sister) and Alexis (her daughter) to come along. Dakota was so excited when he found out that his "best friend" was going to the zoo with him. On the same day that Dakota found out we were going to the zoo, Dakota stayed dry all he took the news as it was his treat for staying dry all day. And we have had excellent potty days since then--I think, Wednesday. Dakota wears big boy underwear all day and pull ups at night! He is so proud of himself...just as mommy and daddy are.

Well, on to the Zoo post!!
We went to Caldwell Zoo...And it was breezy and cool, but still wonderful animal-seeing weather. The kids were off we go to see all the animals...flamingos, ducks, coy fish, turkeys, eagles, otters, bobcats, and the White Tiger...sitting right up by the glass for us to see.
Lilyann was intrigued...just as much as Dakota and Alexis were. They were seeing the "big kitty" up close. And she (I think) just sat there and stared...and even posed for a picture before she decided to walk off.
The Zoo was fun...we saw alligators, meerkats, elephants, lions, zebras, longhorns, and more...I can remember some names, but I'm not sure if I can spell all of them right. The Macaws were amazing...the colors so vibrant. Oh! and I can't leave out the Rhinos...what a smelly cage!!

After our adventure around the zoo, we stopped at the gift shop and Brittiany got the kids sunglasses...Lilyann wouldn't keep hers on, but Dakota and Alexis were "stylin" in their shades.

The Zoo was an exciting adventure...seeing all the animals...and smelling all the smells...enjoying being outside with family. It was awesome. And it wore the kids out. Lilyann was asleep before we hit the highway home...which was great. Mommy and Lilyann had a girls night out at Boo's house that night..and everyone needed their rest for that.
All the girls in the family got together...Boo (Jed's grandmother), Pam (Jed's mom), Aunt Samantha, Jerilyn, Katie, Brooke, Brittiany and Alexis, and myself and Lilyann. It was a Mexican food theme...and the food was delicious...Lilyann loved the guacamole. I was standing by the counter having some chips and salsa while holding Lily, and she saw the opportune moment and reached for a handful of guacamole...she loved it!!! So we put some on her plate with chips and she dug in!! So much, that she was covered in green!! But she enjoyed it. After Lily's bath, and with all our tummies full, we headed out for a "walk" that turned into a walk to town...I didn't think that I would make it, but we all did...a 1.9 mile walk after all that wonderful food. At the house, we relaxed, had some cheesecake (yummy) and watched a movie.

Long day, but definitely an enjoyable day.
Dakota had a great time spending one on one time with Daddy..they went out for pizza and then to an arcade (Dakota loves playing those arcade games...and with his big boy successes, he deserved it) Fun times!!

Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts.

No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?-- Elbert Hubbard

1 comment:

"Grammy" Sue B said...

Joy....What a wonderful post!!! I love keeping up with you and your family this way!*!*! YAY for 'Kota's dry undies!!! And YooHoo for Lily's new fav...guaca-caca!!!
(((hugs))) to each of you..Aunt Sue