Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My very 1st giveaway!

What an exciting post for our blog! This is my very first giveaway...and you, my lucky readers, get the opportunity to win! Thanks to CSN stores. This giveaway is eligible for readers in the US and Canada. Have you ever heard about CSN stores?? well, they have over 200 online stores where you can find anything from modern office furniture to cat bowls and duvet collections.

With all this cold weather here in East Texas, sometimes a little shopping does the spirit good. And you can win this $15 gift certificate.

How do you enter to win? well, thanks for asking. 1) leave a comment of something you have won on a giveaway. 2) become a follower of this blog or let me know that you are already a follower ....you can enter twice!

So, help me to make this 1st giveaway a great giveaway! Winner will be announced on Feb. 11th.


Marissa said...

yay for the 1st giveaway...I've won several toys, a nightlight, healthy cookies...and more!

Hope I win this one :)


Marissa said...

i follow :)


Annie said...

I've won gift cards, jewerly and books.

Congrats on your 1st giveaway!!!!

Annie said...

Already a follower!!