Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Some Good News and then....

Today was the weigh in for Lily. She is now 9 lbs and 3 oz...meaning she has gained 1 lb since she saw the Dr last Monday (01-21-08) Which is good, at least she is gaining. The not so good news is that Lily has cut back on eating. She is back to eating about 6-7 oz a day when she was eating 10+ oz a day (of the concentrate formula) The pediatrician is really concerned about her not eating...she suggested changing bottles or just to syringe feed her. The Dr even suggested just putting a feeding tube in; I didn't want the feeding tube in...I'm not ready for Lily to go thru all that yet. So we have til Monday to get Lily eating more.

**If it's not one thing, then it is another**

Also, our pediatrician told us that the heart specialist was talking to her about the surgery and that they are waiting on the surgery to give Lily a chance to put on some more that she has a higher survival rate after the all in all, the surgery is happening whether she gains weight or would just be better if Lily was gaining weight.

It just seems like so much to take in..and it is all happening to someone who cant do anything about it. I just wish that this was all a bad dream and I could wake up and things be back to normal.

But i know that God doesn't put on you what you cant handle...I just need him to show me that i can handle it, because i am not feeling that strong right now.

Please continue to pray for Lily and for the family.


"Grammy" Sue B said...

Oh Joy, my heart is hurting for you right now. Please know how much we care! And be assured that we are praying for you, Lilyann, Jed, the doctors, and for Dakota too. No doubt the little guy senses things are going on. I'll give an update at our church's Prayer Meeting tonight, and you can be assured that everyone will be praying for Lily!! We love you, sweet mommy!
(((hugs))) from Aunt Sue and Uncle Millard

MAMA SAYS said...

Dear Joy,
Take comfort in the words of the
Great Physician. Little Lily was
fearfully and wonderfully made. Her
Creator knows all about her little
body. This is part of His great plan
for her life. You can fully trust Him to work this all together for your good. You must not try to rely on your own strength, but rest in His. You will find His strength in
His Holy Word. Go to the Word,
Joy, seek out what God has for you.
The Psalms are filled to the brim
with comfort. You will be amazed what comfort and strength it will give you. We love you and are praying for you. We all wish we lived closer to be of help to you,
but that is not God's plan. Know,
though, that you are prayed for!
Aunt Sarah
Phil.4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,let
your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

littlemomtew said...

Joy, you and the Smith Crew are being prayed for in South Carolina. God gave you Lily and He alone knows His plan for her. He is faithful. He loves you and your family. He is trustworthy. As a mom I pray for His strength and courage in you as well as wisdom. I love you all in Christ, Sarah Tew

Anonymous said...

Dear Joy,
We had heard about Lily and have been praying for all of you. The Lord promises He will never leave you or forsake you. Jesus' words in Matthew 11:28-30 are always a comfort to me: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Cast all your care upon Him for He cares for you.
Much Love,