Wednesday, April 25, 2012

teething causes me to ramble

I hate teething!
I know it's something that HAS to happen...but couldn't the process be ALOT less stressful on baby and Mommy?!
With teething comes drainage, runny nose, upset stomach, and vicious diapers...resulting in super cranky baby, and a terrible diaper rash. 

The house needs to be cleaned...but Leia is on the move. I'm almost tempted to put Swiffer pads on her to at least get her help with the cleaning. She follows me from room to room now and her crawling could be a win win for me :)  Wonder if I can pull it off?

As you can tell, this momma has random thoughts that range from here to there and all around. 2nd cup of coffee is on my to-do-list along with wash bottles, switch the laundry, clean the kids' room, and attempt nap time with the girls. 

Baby Einstein never really worked for the other children, but for Leia, it's our life saver (I should say sanity saver). And you know, the big kids will sit down and watch it with her, too. So....another win win  :)

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