Friday, April 16, 2010

2 years later.....

I can't believe it's been 2 years....on April 15, 2008, Lilyann had open heart surgery. She was only 4 1/2 months old. Her congenital heart defect wasn't a crucial was the CHD that is considered one of the best to have. Hers was one that could be monitored and most times didn't require surgery to repair. Lilyann had a Ventricular Septal Defect.

"A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a defect in the septum between the right and left ventricle. The septum is a wall that separates the heart’s left and right sides. Septal defects are sometimes called a “hole” in the heart. It’s the most common congenital heart defect in the newborn; it’s less common in older children and adults because some VSDs close on their own.
It’s a very common type of heart defect. " ~taken from American Heart Association

Lily's condition worsened...which made surgery imminent. She was failure to thrive (which is the reason for the feeding tube in the picture below). If she could have maintained her weight and growth, we could have waited to see if the hole would close on it's own. We did find out later that the hole in Lily's heart was the size of a nickel. Quite large for someone with a tiny heart.

Lily and Mommy...this was taken a week before her surgery. She was still sporting her feeding tube. (I'm so glad that the feeding tube days are over)

Here is a little view of how our day went...over 2 years ago...

Here we are...a few minutes before we get to see Lily leaving the Operating Room and heading up to the PICU. The surgeon is telling all the transpired in the last 5 hours...the size of the hole in her heart and how she is doing fantastic already.

Then Lily is wheeled by....she is covered in plastic and there are cords/wires/ tubes everywhere. She looks so tiny and helpless here...the nurses are taking her up to the PICU to get her settled...we will get to see her soon.

...and here is my Sweet Lily....a few hours post surgery...still groggy...but doing great.

Lily...back home....2 weeks after her surgery. She was only in the hospital for 7 days...a much shorter stay than anticipated.

Little Miss Lily...almost a year later (April 2009)...walking like a big girl at the park

And Lilyann....2 years later (April 2010)
It's amazing to see the growth and transformation. She has hair now...but still has a love for the outdoors.


Annie said...

God have plans for us and we just follow him. So glad she is a beautiful, active, wonderful girl that enjoys life.

Have a great weekend.

mammajigglypuff said...

I remember Praying for all of you that day and Mom calling to say everything went well. I can't believe it's been 2 years already.

"Grammy" Sue B said...

Thank You, God, for your love and protection over Lilyann.

Aunt Sue & Uncle Millard love you!

Vida said...

Praise the Lord for the wonderful things He has done!