Friday, July 30, 2010

Our morning out

Lily giving a "cheese" for Daddy (I try to take as many pictures possible of our Jed can see what we do each day while he is at work) ♥

Here I am with just a few seconds to is the first day this week that it hasn't been overcast and looking as if the clouds would pour down on us.

So, we went to the park with the bikes...we didn't last long as the heat chased us back to the AC filled house. But it was a fun, active 20 minutes. The kids road their bikes around the park, and then played on the playground...Lily even went down the twisty slide all by herself.

I really need to get to cleaning and more laundry (that stuff breeds if you leave it unsupervised) here are a few pictures of our morning out. EnJoy.

I will do vacation post #3 as I get check back soon.

Dakota with hands outstretched to catch his Lily Lu

He's getting better at doing it all by himself...on another note...the sky is such a pretty blue today

Dakota having fun on the slide


Annie said...

Fun day and enjoying a great weather.

Enjoy the weekend.

Heather said...

Such a cute face in that first picture!