Sunday, June 26, 2011

Growing up....

Sweet Lilyann scored a great find on Friday. We were hitting some garage sales looking for stuff for Baby Leia, and anything else we might need (like kids' furniture..since they will have their own rooms by the end of this year). And Lily came across a brand new Pretty Pretty Princess game! She asked the rest of time while we were in the car to play her when we got home, we sat down and played...and Much to my surprise...Lily WON!! Too bad, Mommy didn't win..but I was sporting a single earring for a few rounds. I remember playing this game way back when with friends. It was always a fun time :)

And I just had to share this picture. It's Lilyann....showing off her belly! She was lying in the recliner beside me and asked me to take a picture of her belly. She keeps saying there's a baby in her belly, too. I told her, "No, not til you are a mommy. When you are a mommy (like me), then you will have a baby in your belly." She was okay with that response for now. But she does love to listen to the baby in my belly....she'll put her ear right by my belly button and then sit up and say, "The baby is ready to come out NOW!" I asked her, "where is the baby coming out?" and she replies with no hesitation, "out your nose, Mommy!!" I guess we will stick with that for now, too. :)

We are 25 weeks along....I weighed myself at the gym this past week, and it looks like I've gained 5 lbs from since the last time I weighed (back before vacation). I started gaining weight with Lily at the 6 month mark..I figure it's the same with Leia. I am still going to the gym a few times a week as energy allows. One plus, the gym now offers Prenatal Yoga free to members (that's ME!!) every Friday. So, I'm continuing with the class for now. I'm still in shock that I have the flexibility and balance as I did before pregnancy. I'm sure it won't last much least, the balance part.

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