Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Camping Trip--Part 2 (pics)

All of us (Jed, myself, Dakota, and Lilyann) in the tent...just waking up.

everyone at the party...missing Jed and Uncle Jerry, though.

Dakota showing his muscles

Lilyann on the slate in the creek!!

Here are some great pictures from Jed's grandmother, Boo. Enjoy!!


"Grammy" Sue B said...

Also missing in the group photo ...
Aunt Sue, Uncle Millard, Aunt Gloria, Uncle Wayne. (pout) But we sure had a good time for the one day we were there. Can't wait for the next campout!!!!
Love....Aunt Sue

Life Unscripted said...

Oh i am so jealous, what I wouldnt give to go camping, it has been years. Lily is getting so big and looks great. Dakota is too cute, he reminds me of my Austin boy. Looks like you guys had a blast camping, you are a brave mama to take 2 kids camping..I am not as brave yet!!