I was taken by complete surprise when I opened my inbox this morning and read the email from The Wellens Family
I won a Blog award. I so enjoy going from blog to blog and reading about all the goings on of different families. Some blogs share cleaning tips and saving money,and some are written by mommies just like me...dealing with the same things that I am. I have learned alot from them and continue to learn...whether it be a tip to getting your child to eat a new food, or photography tips, or even just learning how to keep a smile all day long no matter the circumstances.
So, with this award comes the responsibility of letting other Mommies know that they have a wonderful blog, too.
Here are some great blogs that Highly recommend:
1.Bloggie McBlogger
2.Our Life in the Kitchen
3.7th HEAVEN
4.The Griffin Family
5.~~Lily's Angel Heart~~
6.Imma Momma
7.4 the Love of Family
8.Baby Number 8
Thanks again, Alyson!!
You are so welcome!!!!!
I really appreciate you always stopping by and seeing what I have going on!!! :0)
I also love the fact that you are trying tofind my chap stick.... :0)
You're the best!!!
p.s. Didn't you enter my blog button giveaway??
If you did, then you won....everyone who entered won....I would love to add your button to my blog!!! :0)
Thanks so much! I appreciate your comments on my blog! :)
Thank You! It means a lot to me that you would talk the time to look at my little blog and leave a nice comment. On top of that to make your top 10. :)
I was really feeling that No one was reading it.
Thank you so much for including me in your blog award. I know this is late, but I do really appreciate it!
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