Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Way Back When-esday: The circle of life (tooth episode)

This was last year (April 2011) when Dakota lost his 1st tooth. He was so excited but fearful of losing his 1st tooth.

And just this past Friday, he lost tooth number #7 (I think, I'm beginning to lose count). Silly tooth fairy forgot to put money under his pillow, so we woke up to a crying Dakota. :( But that silly (and sneaky) tooth fairy ended up putting the money under Dakota's quilt...I guess since it was a cool night, the tooth fairy thought Kota would sleep under his covers, but he slept on top. Big SAVE for the tooth fairy...she is back in Dakota's good graces....whew! that was a close one.

And since we are talking about teeth, Miss Leia cut tooth #2!!
I am hoping for some relief and good sleep that I hear all the other mommas talk about. I keep telling myself that one day it will day.

Thinking back since it's Wednesday.
Join others playing Way Back When-esday at Cheryl's blog, Twinfatuation.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I'm not ready for it.