Friday, February 1, 2008

Lily is eating more

I just wanted to add...Lily is up to 12. 5 oz of formula for today...She did great!! im so excited that she is eating better...This is the best she has eaten in 2 weeks.

And i actually got some smiles out of the kids today!! Thought you would enjoy the pictures.


Sam & Marge Coleman said...

Coda & Lily are looking wonderful!! Lily looks totally different today!!! i love her smile!!

"Grammy" Sue B said...

God is SO GOOD! Our prayer has been for His perfect will in this whole situation. And we pray each morning that Lily will have a big appetite and eat (drink!) lots. We will continue praying as well as watching for your blog updates. The recent pictures are so precious! Give both of the kids hugs and kisses from us!
Our love, Uncle Millard & Aunt Sue

Anonymous said...

Joy I am so glad on the update of Lilyann's progress.I put you all in a simple prayer every morning,asking God to take Lily in his hands and heal her as we know he can.I know first hand what powers he has and the works he can do.I put Chace in his hands when he was born and about to be airlifted out.I said God you saved the world with both hands tied behind your back so I put this child of yours back in your hands to do with as you see fit.And to look at Chace today you wouldn't never know how sick he was when he was born ! So keep the faith Smith family and leave it in God's hands.Praying Lily keeps drinking and gaining weight.She is a darling and Dakota is such a cutie.Love you Joy and your little family..Aunt Rita Akins