Monday, February 4, 2008

Pull up a chair and sit on the floor....

Current mood: focused
So i called/checked in with the Dr. this morning about Lily's eating. The Dr is okay with how much Lily is eating right now..she just said to continue monitoring her intake. Since Wednesday, Lily has been eating about 8.5 oz to 13 oz a day...averaging anywhere in between those. Im considering a good day for Lily's eating, when she eats at least 10 oz. So we have had some pretty good days. If Lily has a decrease in her intake, then we are to take her back to the Dr for them to evaluate her weight.
So we are still just kind of watching and waiting. That is why i titled this blog "Pull up a chair and sit on the floor" because it sounds like we are going to be monitoring Lily's intake and weight for awhile.
The title is a phrase my dad used to tell everyone when he wanted them to take a always made me smile when Dad will tell someone that and then they would take a seat and realize (with a confused look on their face) what my dad said.
Our followup visit with the pediatric heart specialist is scheduled for Feb we should know more on what is happening with Lily then.
Thanks for all the warm thoughts and prayers that are being sent our way.

I added some pictures here of our weekend outing...we took Dakota and Lily to the zoo. Dakota had a great time...Lily slept almost the entire time at the zoo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Joy,
Remembering your dad's little phrase has brought a smile to my face as well. I'm so glad you shared it.
We're still praying for you!
Aunt Sarah
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."