Friday, November 13, 2009

Gorgeous Blogger Award

I won an award!!
Annie from Santiago Twin Girls presented me with this award and I would like to thank her! Thanks, Annie!

Here are the rules:

By accepting this award, I am required to tell you 6 things about myself that you don't know and then present 6 other gorgeous bloggers this award.

1. I record shows so that I can watch them once the kids are in bed with no commercials. Thank God for the DVR.

2. I can't do paper and scissors scrap booking...but give me some digital scrap booking and I am all over it.

3. I play the piano and the flute...and I wish my house was big enough to have a place for a piano.

4. I am #7 of 8 siblings...all from the same mom and dad.

5. I LOVE pickled okra.

6. I can't sleep with socks on my feet.

And now to award 6 other Gorgeous Bloggers....

*Christina from Pooh's Corner
*Heather from 3 under 3
*Missy from Two Little Monkeys
*Cheryl from Twinfatuation
*Christina from It's A Corny Life
*Jenna from ~~Lily's Angel Heart~

Congratulations to these wonderful ladies with excellent blogs. Check them out sometime and leave them a comment!


Annie said...

So glad you enjoyed your award. So nice to know more about you.

Enjoy your weekend.

SouthernDogwoods said...

Thank you for the award!!! I will definitely post it soon!