Monday, February 15, 2010

Makes My Monday: FaMiLy

~Jed and I~

What Makes my Monday??

Today, I am doing laundry...laundry from the snow weekend, and from Dakota's being sick.

recap of our snowdays

We all LOVED the was just what we all change up every day life. After the 1st day, Kota started getting a cough..and by Friday evening, he was throwing up. Lots of Sprite and Gatorade for Kota man. Saturday, he seemed a bit better. We went to Boo's house for Dinner on Saturday evening...Yummy Spaghetti. Lily was quite the talker that night...I should have videotaped that evening.

Sunday was a Sunday for us...Sunday School, church, and then lunch. Grandma came over and brought the necessary items for Strawberry shortcake. That is one dish that I have not had in a really long time. My mom used to have that for dessert after Sunday dinner...and it's been awhile since I have had Sunday dinner with my mom. (only 5 more months..and I will be having Sunday dinner with my parents!! woohoo!!)

But to get back to what makes my, it's not's Family.

Playing along with Cheryl from Twinfatuation for Makes My Monday


Cheryl Lage said...

YES! Family is SUCH the perfect Monday Maker! (Sorry Dakota's been sick :( )

LOVE that picture of you and Jed...that's a Monday Maker for sure!

Thanks for playing along. :)

Annie said...

Having a wonderful family is the best.

Have a nice week.