Friday, April 4, 2008

I guess it's true..what goes up, must come down....

Today was Lilyann’s 4 month checkup...and her weigh in. At her last weigh in, she was 10 lbs 10oz. And today, she is 10 lbs 3 oz..she has lost 7 oz. We really don't know why she is losing the weight. The Dr thinks that the extra volume of formula (35ml/hr from the pump) it is making her heart work overtime to digest it all; which, in turn, is making her burn all the extra calories. I don't really understand it all. Before she wasn't getting enough calories to help her grow and she was barely taking anything in...and now she is taking in what she needs to and she is still burning all the calories. The Dr said to continue with the cereal and to give to her as often as i would like (at every meal). The cereal has more calories but not as much volume (like the formula) so it would be easier for her and she wouldn't burn those calories as fast.
The Dr is going to call the heart Dr's in Dallas to see about upping Lily’s medication for her heart. And she will tell them all the different things that are going on with Lily: irritability (could be due to teething), always hot and sweaty (not a good symptom for heart patients), the weight loss, and also that she is back to not taking in that much from the bottle. The Dr will call me on Monday and let me know.
I'm thinking that the Dr isn't too worried about her weight loss, because she is still growing just not gaining. She is now 23 1/2 inches long...and her head is 16 cm...She has grown a whole inch in the last I'm going to have a tall skinny girl.
Lily’s surgery is now about 11 days away...and it seems like it cant come fast enough. It hurts me to see my Lily hurting and frustrated. Today, she also got her 4 month shots, so she isn't the happiest of babies. Continue to pray for Lily and for our family...this is a really stressful time for us right now and we can use all the prayers we can get. Thanks again...and Love to all.


Sam & Marge Coleman said...

i know that you get fustrated at time like these but aside from all the fustration i am here for you and to help.. i know i can get aggervating but i dont mind helping... let me know


She may lose weight, but she is definitely NOT losing her Cute Looks. Little Lily is one Beautiful Baby.

Her Mommy really knows how to dress her, and I love her (is it pinkish?) bow! My favorite is the monkey picture. There is something about Lily that reminds me so much of Mercy. I guess that is why they are related :).

As for Mr. Dakota...big boy...let's see what he says when you hold that picture on him someday for blackmail! Offer to show it to his future wife if the Lord tarries. Hee Hee!

We are praying especially more earnestly now that THE DAY is drawing near.

Love to You ALL,
The Shu Clan


Psalm 121:1-8
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.

The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."