Sunday, July 26, 2009

Chances are....

...if I'm folding clothes, it is usually passed midnight, and I am watching LOST.

...if I can't hear or see Lilyann, she is either playing in the potty or pulling stuff from the trashcan.

...if the TV is on (and DVD player off), Kota is watching Phineas and Ferb...Disney Channel.

...if the kitchen sink is empty, it is because I have ran out of sippy cups and I HAD to wash the dishes.

...if it is late and hubby's on the couch, the TV will be on and he will be asleep. ;)

...if you hear a beep beep, Kota has opened the front door and you will find both kids standing on the front porch in their skivvies (this is trash day regular occurrence).

...if we are outside, the kids are usually on the trampoline.

...if the kids are on the trampoline, they are asking for Popsicles.

...if Dakota dresses himself, everything is on backwards but his undies.

...if my house is clean, it is because Company is coming over or Boo has been to my house...Thanks, Boo.

Thanks to Carrie at 4 the Love of Family...she posted a blog today like this and invited us to play along. So here is my "Chances are..." post. Stop on by Carrie's blog to play along.


MamaBear said...

My smile got bigger and bigger as I went through your list. These were great!

Thanks for playing along!

Alicia said...

I love that! So clever! I got a good chuckle out of a few! Have a great week!