Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mom update

Just wanted to update about my mom. She seems to be doing better. They moved her from the hospital to a rehabilitation home for my mom to continue her physical therapy and get the care that she needs. There isn't a phone in her room, so if Tammie (my sister) sent you a number for mom's room, you don't need it. Which is fine...Mom can get more rest this way. Last I heard, mom is having physical therapy 3 times a day while there. Hopefully soon, I will get the news that mom is going home. She has done so well for it being a week from tonight that she broke her hip.

God is good!


SouthernDogwoods said...

God is good! So glad to hear she is doing better! Hopefully she will home soon!

Annie said...

Definitely, God is good. I'm so happy she is doing fine. My prayers are with her.

Have a nice weekend.

PS: Write your obssessive things. Is fun.